The Samnyasanirnaya, A suddhadvaita Text on Renunciation by Vallabhacarya

How to Cite

Frederick M. Smith. (2022). The Samnyasanirnaya, A suddhadvaita Text on Renunciation by Vallabhacarya: Journal of Vaishnava Studies. Journal of Vaishnava Studies, 1(4). Retrieved from


Very few of the primary texts of Vallabhacarya or of the tradition that bears his name have been translated into English. This is a natural result of the fact that the sampradaya has, until very recently, received comparitevely little scholarly attention. Though the reasons forn this are not particularly relevant to the content of the work presented here, it might be mentioned that a libel suit filed in the year 1862 seriously questioned the morals of the Maharajas, the descendantsvof Vallabha who are regional gurus or "Liniage holders" and who have served as the s[pioritual leaders of the sampreadaya. 

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