“Distinguished” Teachers: On Cultivating Discernment in the Puṣṭimārga

How to Cite

Priya Kothari. (2022). “Distinguished” Teachers: On Cultivating Discernment in the Puṣṭimārga: Journal of Vaishnava Studies. Journal of Vaishnava Studies, 25(2), 91–103. Retrieved from https://ivsjournal.com/index.php/jvs/article/view/382


Discernment between truth and falsehood, divine and demonic souls, favorable and unfavorable association, and so on, is central to an aspirant’s spiritual journey on the Puṣṭimārga (“Path of Grace”). For Vallabhācārya (ca.
1479-1531 C.E.), the philosopher-theologian who illuminated the Path of Grace, not only do such insights develop with the grace of Lord Kṛṣṇa and advanced teachers, but they are also essential to the process of seeking a qualified teacher.

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