In his recent encyclical letter Laudato Si’ (Praise Be: On Care for Our Common Home) (Francis 2015), Pope Francis invites all of us living on earth to reflect on the current ecological crisis that is rapidly worsening. Encyclical letter represents the highest level of teaching in the Church, and this letter is the first one solely dedicated to the issue of ecology (Tucker 2015). In the letter, the Pope uniquely argues for the inter-relatedness of natural environment and social environment. He not only addresses what we normally consider as ecological crises such as air and water pollution, loss of biodiversity and climate change but also points out how these issues are related to decline in the quality of human life and to global inequality. From this perspective, the environmental issue is no longer just about sustainability. It raises ethical questions regarding how we treat the poor and weak, who are often most vulnerable, and regarding how we consider the right of future generations to access the richness of the natural environment. The Pope points out that in order to answer these questions adequately we need to question our current value system and examine the meaning of life. Ultimately, the Pope argues that the current ecological crisis is stemming from a spiritual crisis. As a remedy he proposes a life of humility, self-control, and prayer that is deeply rooted in Christian spirituality.
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