Previous Life’s Saṃskāras: Divine and Human agency in Kṛṣṇadevarāya’s Retelling of the Story of Āṇṭāḷ

How to Cite

Ilanit Loewy Schacham. (2022). Previous Life’s Saṃskāras: Divine and Human agency in Kṛṣṇadevarāya’s Retelling of the Story of Āṇṭāḷ: Journal of Vaishnava Studies. Journal of Vaishnava Studies, 22(2), 107–127. Retrieved from


In the preamble of the Āmuktamālyada (Giver of the Worn Garland), the author, Vijayanagara’s most celebrated monarch, Kṛṣṇadevarāya (r.1509-1529), narrates that on his way to conquer the Kaliṅga territory, he had a dream in which the god Āndhra Viṣṇu appeared to him.1 Āndhra Viṣṇu begins by complimenting Kṛṣṇadevarāya’s literary achievements in Sanskrit and then proceeds to request that Kṛṣṇadevarāya compose a work for him in Telugu. 

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