Ramayana in Human Psychology: The Structure and Functions of the Human Physiology Discovered in the Eternal Epic of the Vedic Literature

How to Cite

Michael Sternfeld. (2022). Ramayana in Human Psychology: The Structure and Functions of the Human Physiology Discovered in the Eternal Epic of the Vedic Literature: Journal of Vaishnava Studies. Journal of Vaishnava Studies, 21(1), 248–254. Retrieved from https://ivsjournal.com/index.php/jvs/article/view/278


At different stages in the evolution of human thought, new paradigms have emerged that fundamentally alter our understanding of the prevailing foundations of human knowledge. Our geocentric world view gave way to a heliocentric world view in the Copernican Revolution. The dynamics of matter, force and momentum of Newtonian Mechanics gave way to Einstein’s Relativity as momentums pushed towards the upper limits of the speed of light and the heretofore accurate Newtonian equations dissolved into a deeper level
of relativistic order. Even this relativistic world shifted to a deeper level in the soup of Quantum Mechanics as we entered into a world of probability where the act of observation changed that which was observed. It is interesting to note that in each of these shifts, especially the latter two, the current worldview gave way to more encompassing paradigms that inhabited subtler and subtler levels of
space and time where even subjectivity entered into the equation.

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