The Crucifixion and the Rāsa Maṇḍala: A Comparative Sketch of Two Great Symbols of Divine Love

How to Cite

Graham M. Schweig. (2022). The Crucifixion and the Rāsa Maṇḍala: A Comparative Sketch of Two Great Symbols of Divine Love: Journal of Vaishnava Studies. Journal of Vaishnava Studies, 20(2), 175–189. Retrieved from


The Catholic tradition within Christianity and the Vaishnava tradition within Hinduism each celebrate an singular focal point of worship,
a supreme emblem of faith, and an ultimate image of divine love. The imagery of each expresses what is most deeply cherished, and what is considered to be most precious in each tradition, respectively. Each vision of divine love contains the powerful elements of sacrifice in love, suffering in love, and salvation in love. Each image arises out of a sacred narrative found in their respective scriptures, which then in turn receive deep theological reflection and explication. However, each tradition through its symbolism of supreme
love paints a picture of sacrifice, suffering, and salvation very differently and distinctively.

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