Why Has Kirtan Become So Popular in the West?

How to Cite

Jubilee Cooke. (2022). Why Has Kirtan Become So Popular in the West? Journal of Vaishnava Studies. Journal of Vaishnava Studies, 17(2), 189–216. Retrieved from https://ivsjournal.com/index.php/jvs/article/view/184


On an overcast Seattle spring evening, we fill a room with walls the color of lemon sherbet and a ceiling two stories high. About sixty
people in bright, comfortable clothes, ranging in age from twenty to sixty, sit on yoga bolsters and blankets. I recognize a few of them—an architect, a musician, a yoga teacher, and a web designer—and feel a camara­derie with the others. Hand-painted in Devanågarî script against a dark blue background, the ancient Vedic mantra, the Gåyatrî, trims the top edges of the walls. Just below, Hindu deities portrayed in vivid, popular style and verses from Patañjali’s Yoga Sutras decorate the Samadhi Yoga Center. The group is buzzing with anticipation. A young man with brown wavy hair and a short beard sits cross-legged before us playing hypnotic phrases on electric guitar. His notes are sustained and soothing, enhanced by an echo effect.

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