Bhagavad Gita and Modern Western Politics

How to Cite

William Jackson. (2022). Bhagavad Gita and Modern Western Politics: Journal of Vaishnava Studies. Journal of Vaishnava Studies, 16(1), 199–220. Retrieved from


This piece is a series of reflections on problems that often result from mixing politics and religion, public policy and private devotion. It is a series of reflections relating contemporary political situations regarding violence and war to ancient teachings in the Bhagavad Gita and other scriptures. I begin this exploration with queries and uncertainties, trying to discern how to answer the difficult questions involved in this issue, and I end with some historical examples that seem related to the topics at hand. Admittedly, this paper will raise more questions than it answers. But the questions themselves are well worth asking, and can provoke thoughtful responses in the hearts and minds of various individuals, in various situations.

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