Premå Yoga in the Råsa Lîlå: The Vraja Gopikås as the Masters of Yoga

How to Cite

Graham M. Schweig. (2022). Premå Yoga in the Råsa Lîlå: The Vraja Gopikås as the Masters of Yoga: Journal of Vaishnava Studies. Journal of Vaishnava Studies, 14(1), 285–296. Retrieved from


The prominent position of yoga in relation to bhakti can be easily understood by observing the mere presence and pervasiveness of the word yoga, along with related words from the same verbal root, throughout bhakti texts. In foundational bhakti works such as the Bhagavad Gîtå (BG) and the Bhågavata Purå∫a (BhP), the words yoga, yogî, yukta, and other words derivative of the verbal root “yuj” appear repeatedly. For example, in the Bhagavad Gîtå’s some 700 verses, the word “yoga” appears in fifteen of its eighteen chapters, with a total of 78 incidences. The word “yogî” appears 28 times, and the word “yukta” 37 times. Similarly, these words are pervasively distributed within the Bhågavata text, in numbers proportionate to its much greater volume.

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